2013년 3월 19일 화요일

Bike Park Slot

This big container is for parking bikes. Seoul Metropolitan Government tries to encourage citizens to take a ride rather than personal vehicle in order to reduce traffic jams and increase the environmental quality. Seoul Metropolitan Government set up parking places for bike. In particular, parking spaces are available at or nearby subway station because it allows citizens easily to switch from the bike to a subway.

2013년 3월 16일 토요일

Jamsim Baseball Stadium

Jamsil Baseball Stadium is the most famous stadium in Korea.
It was open in 1982. Therefore, it needs to be rebuilt.

2013년 3월 12일 화요일

2013년 3월 6일 수요일

2013년 3월 4일 월요일

Chinese character

Many Korean languages are based on Chinese characters.
So, in the past, many scholars used chinese charater to express Korea languages.

2013년 3월 2일 토요일

2013년 3월 1일 금요일

2013년 2월 26일 화요일


In Korea, Sky univ stands for Seoul, Korea, and Yonsei.
They are called as SKY univ.

2013년 2월 24일 일요일

Typical JJangBBong

To many foreigners, JJaangBBong is hard to pronouce.
This food came from China but Korea has its own taste.

2013년 2월 18일 월요일

Aronamin Gold

This pill is good for disolving fatigue.
I suffer from chronic fatigue. Maybe I need to take this regularly.

2013년 2월 16일 토요일

Ddong bread

It is above my imagination that the bread can be generated by pooh.
I wonder who came up this idea.
He or she may be a genious.

2013년 2월 14일 목요일


Trees always give me a sense of comfort.
This picture was taken at Chundahm park.

2013년 2월 13일 수요일

Chilsung Cidar

Chilsung Cidar is the most famous soda in Korea.
For consumers concerned with calcories, Chilsung launched a new sugar free-version.
However, I am not sure the taste. I like the original.

2013년 2월 12일 화요일

Self-made cup

I made this cup in Ichon where is famous for pottery.
People can bake their cup and plate.

2013년 2월 11일 월요일

Enterance into a school

Getting new started always give people mixed feeling.
Happiness and worriness.
Who am I going to meet?
What will happen?

2013년 2월 10일 일요일

SOS call for preventing suicide

In Korea, 35 people commit a suicide everyday.
SOS call was set for helping people who try to commit a suicide.
I long for the days when people do not have to commit a suicide.

2013년 2월 9일 토요일

Olympic Park

Olympic park was constructed to celebrate 1988 Seoul Olympic.
Many people love to go to Olympic park because it is beautiful.
I love it too.

2013년 2월 8일 금요일

Thesis Reception Desk Sign

This picture reminded me of the days when I submitted my Master's thesis.
I remember the feeling.
Ph.D thesis will give me another surprising moment.

2013년 2월 7일 목요일

Jjajang Noodle

Jjajang noodle came from China.
However, Korean adjusted and developed taste of Jjajang.
As a result, Korean Jjajang has become unique.

2013년 2월 6일 수요일

Elephant Bus

Seoul Grand Park is famous for an elephant bus.
To children, this elephant bus is more than simple transpotation.
It reminded me of old days.

2013년 2월 5일 화요일

Korean Typical Ramen

This is Shin Ramen which is the best selling ramen in Korea.
I prefer Nurgoori to Shin Ramen.
It tastes good when it rains.

2013년 2월 4일 월요일


One of my favoriate food was a bun sold by Rotiboy.
Unfortunately, the number of Rotiboy is decreasing.
I wish Rotiboy revive.

2013년 2월 2일 토요일

Sol-but Restraunt

Sol-but located at Seoul National University.
It had a long history. The facility of the restraunt reminded me of 1980s.
As far as I know, this restraunt has gone.

2013년 2월 1일 금요일

Good Restaurant

District office gives this title when a restaurant is qualified.
This sign gives customer good signals. Thus customer can choose without worrying
about the cleaness of food.

2013년 1월 31일 목요일

Somamul Island

Somamul Island locates nearby Tongyoung.
It takes a hour from Tongyoung city.
This island is really beautiful.

2013년 1월 26일 토요일


Raum is one of the most beautiful social venue in Korea.
I hope that I will have a chance to hold the party at Raum in the future.

2013년 1월 25일 금요일

Park in Seoul National University

I like trees. Whenever I see trees, I can get some relief.
When I am tired, I see outside.
I took this picture from the central library of Seoul National University.

2013년 1월 24일 목요일

Sujin Station

Many Korean words are based on chinese characters.
Also, Korea has over 300 hundred subway stations.
One of interesting station name is Sujin because Sujin is the most common
female first name in Korea.
However, Sujin Station's "Sujin" means that "Life Forward."壽進

2013년 1월 23일 수요일

Street Sausage

One of my favorite street food is sausage.
The price is about 3000 won(about 3 us dollar).
Taste good.

2013년 1월 22일 화요일

Subway fare

The subway fare increased again.
It was ineviatable because the price of other goods and services increased too.
As a result, even though salary increases, the standard of living remains the same or
even get worse.
I remember the days when the subway fare was only 200 won.
Now, it became over 1050 won.
I say for sure that it will be over 1050 won in the near future.

2013년 1월 21일 월요일


21st century is the age of intellectual property.
Soribada centered on the controversy because it violated the right of musicians.
Its popularity waned. I did not notice that Soribada still exist.

2013년 1월 20일 일요일

Seongnam Arts Center

In recents years, local governments spend their budget on cultural facility.
I think this is a good way to spend budget
because 21st century is the age of culture.

2013년 1월 19일 토요일

Big Mac

One of my favorite foods is Big Mac.
I like Big Mac because it guarantee the same good taste around the world.
In this sense, it can be the safest food in the world.

Korean Language on the cover is "Only Bic Mac"

2013년 1월 18일 금요일

Lake Sanjung

Lake sanjung locates nearby Pochun city.
It is not that large but it is large enough for people to enjoy.

2013년 1월 16일 수요일

The Meaning of Water

Water in Korean language has two different meanings.
One is water that I people drink.
The other is the quality. In particular, this quality has the quality of people.
This advertisement looks like night club.

2013년 1월 15일 화요일


I like to eat sushi as many Koreans do.
Sometimes, I am surprised to be aware of the fact that Korean dislike to eat sushi
because it is a kind of weird to eat fish without any boiling process.
But, the taste has changed.

2013년 1월 14일 월요일


The economic austeriy remains severe.
As a result, many rely on buying lottery to change their life.
Hopefully, society would provide more opportunities to raise people's social status.


2013년 1월 13일 일요일

Drill for Blackout in Winter

In Winter, government tried to control the electricity status well.
As it is cold, the demand for electricity has increased.
As a result, government initiated some drill for sudden blackout situation.

2013년 1월 12일 토요일

Wrong Belief

Some people believe in god
because they think that not believing god leads them to hell.
I do disagree with this. I think that people believe or have to believe in god
because they can be better people by believing in god.

@ Myungdong, Seoul

2013년 1월 3일 목요일

Tall Tree beside Tall Apartment

In Seoul, there are some apartments built over 30 years.
As times goes, tree beside apartment also grew tall.

@ Apjoojung, Seoul

2013년 1월 2일 수요일

Presidential Election Campaign in Korea

The 18th Presidential election of Korea was over.
As a result, Park Geun Hye was elected.
She will be the first "female" president in Korea.

韓國 大統領 選擧 遊說